Did you know? Revisions to the Canada Labour Code (CLC) are being fast-tracked to include mandatory vaccination for COVID-19. 

Who will be affected? All employees of the federal public service and federally regulated industries - approximately 1,300,000 workers (8.5% of all Canadian employees), covered under Part II of the CLC.*Screen%20Shot%202022-05-18%20at%2010*38*49%20AM*png?alt=media&token=deab992b-a5d9-488c-b439-6d57e378f8f3

This includes aviation, post, trucking and courier, banking, ports, grain and seed industries, radio and broadcasting, and any other sector supporting these vocations. 

 The CLC was created as a baseline of protection. Yet today, these Canadian workers are under unprecedented assault. The freedom to choose over the last two years has been targeted by an alliance of interests bent on removing your right to bodily autonomy. The government proposal can be found here.

 Proposed changes could be enshrined in the CLC any day now. In December 2021, the government announced plans to add mandatory COVID-19 vaccination to the CLC for all. They did minimal (if any) consultation with the 19,000 employers and 1,300,000 employees to be impacted. They even signaled they may bypass normal process to enact the changes early in 2022. A video explains everything here.*Screen%20Shot%202022-05-18%20at%2010*39*15%20AM*png?alt=media&token=10b8859d-8c73-4065-8e51-dfc972b18fbf

If these proposed changes are enacted, it is unclear how many boosters will be required to keep your job, or if it could be used to mandate unknown future vaccinations.

A squeaky wheel gets the grease. We, all 1,300,000 employees, need to be that wheel. Legislators, unions, media and corporations need to be reminded where true power lies: with the dutiful men and women who make this country run, every day. 

If not us, who? If not now, when? Future generations will look back and either applaud our collective actions or live with the dark consequences of our complacency. 

What Can I Do? 
● Work TOGETHER. This is a-political and will impact the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Join representative groups in your employment community, to stay informed. 
● Advise your work colleagues. Get them fully engaged. 
● Contact stakeholders: your unions and employers. Educate them on what is imminent. Many are not aware and not engaged. Explain the risks. 
● Contact federal representatives, MPs, both governing and opposition. Express your absolute disagreement and intention to vote accordingly in the future. 
● Consider where your line in the sand is – are you willing to take a booster? How many? At what cost to your health, with yet unknown future consequences? 

Brought to you by an ever expanding Canadian Labour Coalition: